EDUCATION – Shaping a Better World

“Education is much more than an entry to the job market. It has the power to shape a sustainable future and better world. Education policies should promote peace, mutual respect and environmental care.”
– United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon

Education changes our world, it shapes us into who we will become. From our earliest moments in life, we are learning. From that time on, we are in a world with unlimited learning potential. A baby quickly will learn what needs to be done in order to have his/her needs met. Imagine a baby’s movement into the world. First a baby learns to crawl, then they stand and slowly the first steps are taken. Each of these events builds off itself as a child ‘perfects’ each skill. We as a global people are called to learn continually, building off of and perfecting the knowledge we have already gained. This education will not just shape the individual, but the future of our planet.

Global Learn Day is proud to present our 2019 theme:

“Innovating Education
Building a Bridge to the Future”

We are looking for educators, students and individuals of all walks who would like to join us in this celebration of learning. This can take many forms, including organizing your local community to celebrate Global Learn Day (GLD), or presenting on how you are innovating education in your classroom and day-to-day life. What is working for you? How can you take this idea and share it with the World? Let Global Learn Day 2019 be your platform!

I recently came across a group of researchers studying this topic. Take a few minutes and visit Future Making. The posts are intriguing! They are actively engaging and learning about how they can use education to move forward in the 21st century. Fabulous!

While you are here, subscribe to our site and be the first to know all the latest #GLD2019 news!

3 thoughts on “EDUCATION – Shaping a Better World

  1. Yes great article about education yes education is most important thing in our life only a education can do a superior thing in all criteria like behaviour modification, culture development, knowledge gained, personalized development, communication learning etc.. without education a person is zero by my point of view.

    So author nice article sir . appreciated

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